Open letter to the church.

In the midst of all the controversy concerning the death of several african american men at the hands of white Police Officers, I have kept silent. First, because I did not have all the facts and I like to talk about what I know rather than to speculate. Secondly, as the days have passed since the latest incident, the amount of voices that have been speaking on this have been overwhelming. Some are hurting, others are angry. Many feel distraught and sad while others are just fed up with the situation. People are feeling a gamut of emotions and rightly so. A life is valuable, precious, worthy of respect. Not to mention those who have lost their lives were fathers, brothers, sons, cousins, mothers, sisters, daughters and belong to a family who is hurting and in mourning. It is a travesty that needs to be confronted and corrected.

This post is not another post to highlight the injustice and oppression that minorities suffer. I believe that many posts have been written on this subject. This post is, however, is a plead to my brothers and sisters who are suffering, to think about their words and actions in the context of The Kingdom of God and it’s implication to us. To take a moment to truly understand their feelings, their anger and frustration and to channel that in the right way. Many, including Lebron James, have said that violence is not the solution. I agree. I will go further to say that the men and women who wear the blue uniform, Police Officers, are not the problem either. It goes deeper than that. This is a systemic problem that goes beyond a rookie cop being unprepared to deal with a situation. This is deeper than a crooked or dishonest official in the court system. Unfortunately, those who are at the front line of receiving our anger, criticism and hate are the same ones who are used by the system to enforce these injustices.

I do have to state that I believe that this systemic injustice is founded upon sin. Robert C. Linthicum in his book City of God City of Satan states that the ills of the city are not rooted in the city itself but “rather, such are manifestations of the underlying sin of the city’s people”. The question is then — Where is God in our lives? What role does He play in our lives? and Where is God in our cities?

As individuals, we need to take responsibility for what is happening. I have to take responsibility for what has happen and is happening in my city. God has called me to be the light and salt of the earth. Therefore if I am salt, I need to have qualities that preserve my faith despite the pulls of the world around me. I am also charge to bring a different flavor, different from the world. If I am light, I have to shine even brighter in this dark world. I do believe that the church is called to do this and it’s pivotal in becoming an agent of change. Linthicum writes “If the church does not deal with the systems and structures of evil in the city, then it will not effectively transform the lives of the city’s individuals”

What would Jesus do? Yes, I know that this might be cliche, but its something that we should ask ourselves. Would he be leading a march? Would he be disrupting traffic? Would he be in Facebook, Twitter or Instagram bashing police officers, officials and those who have taken the side of the cops? Would he see this a purely political struggle?

I don’t have all the answers. All I know is that Jesus, in Luke 19:41, wept over the city of Jerusalem because it chose to reject him. The city chose to reject his redemptive gift and this rejection is corporate. Does this not echo our city? Whether in New York, Ferguson or Detroit, our cities have for the most part refused to accept Jesus and have turn to other gods and thus cities are guilty of idolatry. Regardless, God’s love and patience for the city is boundless. He longs to see every city as a city that fulfills it’s purpose, to glorify God and to enjoy him forever.

As Christians, we should then filter our actions through the Bible. As Linthicum writes,“God’s people were called to be an intentionally godly presence in the city; they were to be a sanctifying force which would bless the city with their living personification of God.” I am not here to say whether going out to peacefully protest is right or not. I am here to plead with you on our responses to these situation. As believers we should not wish no one harm to make them understand that law enforcement is needed. As believers we should not slam someone else’s character because of a decision they made that cause someone’s life. I am not saying that we should ignore it, but we should not justify our words or hate based on how we feel. We should not be control by feelings since we know that feelings can and do deceive us. If we, as believers, cannot come to the table and speak without having our feelings get the best of us then I have to question our maturity in Christ.

These are the times in which the church, the body of Christ can raise up and pray, comfort, love and have compassion for ALL who are hurting. These includes the victims and their families as well as the accused and their families. If we want to see change let’s start with recommitting our lives to Christ, to lifting his name in our cities, to live out his redemptive power in our lives and to share it with those in our city. If we want to see change then we need to have a unify church, we need to work, pray, praise and love our city as one church. If we want to see change we need to leave our tendencies of idolatry and proclaim Jesus our our LORD and savior. It we want to see change it has to start with me, with you, as individuals and soon the system will change. If want to see change go out and vote, know the law and ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom. Lastly, if we want to see a change we need to live, speak and give love.

“If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, It is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. I always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”

Count your white hairs.

Wisdom, Words of Wisdom, Proverbs

Most people say that white hairs are a sign of experience and wisdom. In that case I must say that I am getting more and more wise every year. Unfortunately, according to scientist, white hairs are a product of an increase of hydrogen peroxide as we get older and has nothing to do with wisdom or experience.

Proverbs 8 uses personification to project wisdom. Unlike the previous chapter in which we see the adulterous woman leading the young man astray, Wisdom is seen as teacher who teaches about what she knows and has experienced. Why should we prefer wisdom over folly? According to verse 18-22 there are great blessings in following wisdom. Kings and rulers use her to rule wisely and her fruit is better than fine gold. There is enduring wealth and prosperity with wisdom. This wisdom is for all without prejudice. Verses 35-36 read “For those who find me find life and receive favor from the Lord. But those who fail to find me harm themselves; all who hate me love death.”

Wisdom and knowledge are not the same thing. Knowledge comes from books, classes, learning, in other words, education. Unfortunately some take this knowledge and use it as a tool to keep others subjugated, knowledge is power, instead of helping. Rick Warren states that knowledge without love in action turns into pride, and pride leads to downfall.

On the other hand wisdom come from life lesson’s, from experience, from age. Wisdom is acquired through time and not necessarily in a classroom setting or through books. Wisdom seeks to protect, to help and to contribute for the betterment of others. Those that are wise are the ones that should be sought out for counseling, they should be listened to when they speak, and they should be respected for their judgement.

Though wisdom might not be characterized by the amount of gray or white hairs, one can easily see that those that are wise are blessed, have life, give sound judgement and find favor from the Lord.


Burn baby burn…

Playing with Fire
Proverbs Devotional Day 7

“If you play with fire, you will get burn” is a common quote. It is used to indicate that if you do something dangerous or something that is not appropriate you will eventually get hurt or caught. In Proverbs 7 we find a father giving advice to his son regarding adulterous relationship. Verses 6-27 the father tells a story of a young man with no sense who falls for an adulterous woman. As he is walking by the house of this woman, she comes out to seduce him with the way she dresses, with her words and with food. Verse 18 says Come, let’s drink deeply of love till morning; let’s enjoy ourselves with love!”  Some might look at this story and think that she is at fault since she is the one that is seducing him. The truth is that the young man, who had no sense, understood what he was doing, and I would dare say, went looking for it. He directed his steps towards her house. The result is, perhaps, what he expected. With persuasive words she led him astray; she seduced him with her smooth talk.” 

There are some occasion in which we are inadvertently misguided and seduced to do something unforeseen, but the truth is that most of the time we are seduced is because we ignore the warnings or we chose to go down that road. Unfortunately there is always a consequence to this. All at once he followed her like an ox going to the slaughter, like a deer stepping into a noose” 

The father ends the story with a warning. “Now then, my sons, listen to me; pay attention to what I say. Do not let your heart turn to her ways or stray into her paths. Many are the victims she has brought down; her slain are a mighty throng. Her house is a highway to the grave, leading down to the chambers of death.” At the end, the father is saying that she is like fire and all who venture to play with fire will ultimately be burned.

What is your fire? What is that thing that seduces you? Is it money? Power? Is it lust? No matter what your fire is remember that fire burns and leaves permanent scars.

Proverbs Daily Devotional Day 2

Proverbs Daily Devotional

day2_calendarOne day I found myself speaking with a brother from church, and after a couple of minutes he made a reference to wisdom having something to do with the amount white hair someone might have. I am sure that many of us have heard this before, having white hair means that you are wise. If this was the case, I am on my way to becoming a wise man (not a wise guy) at my young age. Scientifically speaking, this is not the case. The cause of white hair is color-producing cells stop producing pigment. Therefore wisdom does not come from the color of your hair, but from another source. Wisdom comes “from the LORD who gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.” We all desire to be wise because wisdom can help us out in times of need.

According to verses twelve and sixteen, “Wisdom will save you from the ways of wicked men, from men whose words are perverse… Wisdom will save you also from the adulterous woman, from the wayward woman with her seductive words,” These verses speak of being wise when it comes to making sure we don’t fall in the path of the wicked and perverse people. Perverse, according to the dictionary, means someone who shows a deliberate and obstinate desire to behave in a way that is unreasonable or unacceptable, often in spite of the consequences. It is not hard to see that many are living this way. We watch the news and hear of stories of people who commit crimes and atrocities because they so desired. We might have encounter others in our daily walk which fit the description of a perverse person, someone who is obstinate and acts in an inappropriate way based solely because they feel like it. However, Proverbs says that wisdom comes with great benefits.

Wisdom can be the light in the midst of darkness, the life preserver that keeps us afloat in the ranging sea of wickedness. Wisdom will allow us to “walk in the ways of the good and keep to the paths of the righteous.” With the amount of sexually explicit images everywhere, it is almost impossible not to be tempted. Nevertheless, wisdom will save us from adulterous people, from the wayward man or woman and their seductive words. Wisdom will help us to know right from wrong, to keep us holy and pure in a perverse and unholy world. Wisdom comes from God, not from the amount of white hairs we might have. Therefore, ask God for wisdom, listen to His words, read the Bible and allow the Spirit to guide you.

Proverbs 1 Devotional

Proverbs Daily Devotional

day_calendarThe book of Proverbs is an interesting book that is seldom used in churches to preach with or used for Sunday school lessons. This is partly because at first glance the book of Proverbs might seem like a book full of scattered wisdom, sayings and practical advice. The purpose of this book can be read in the first couple of verses. The book was written by Solomon the son of David for the purpose of “gaining wisdom and instruction; for understanding words of insight; for receiving instruction in prudent behavior, doing what is right and just and fair; for giving prudence to those who are simple, knowledge and discretion to the young.”

The text state that “the fear of The Lord is wisdom,” but “fools despise wisdom and instruction.” This sentence encapsulates the purpose of the book of Proverbs. It also highlights the sentence structure which juxtaposes a blessing or wisdom with a curse or consequence or rebuke that is use prominently throughout the book. This fear is not one of intimidation but one of reverence. It’s not the type of fear that we experience when we are afraid of the unknown or of consequences. This fear is more like awe, similar to standing in the presence of someone great, knowing the power and authority this figure holds. Is this type of fear. As we explore this book we will see that many of the passages revolve around a father bestowing his wisdom towards his son. This however, does not mean that the wisdom found here is only for sons. Wisdom is wisdom and it is meant for everyone.

The first exhortation in the book is to not follow the invitation of sinful men. Verse fifteen and sixteen reads,“my son, do not go along with them, do not set foot on their paths; for their feet rush into evil, they are swift to shed blood.”

How easy is it to do the wrong thing. How easy is it to join in on something that we know we should not do. It is easy to justify our actions “because everyone else is doing it,” finding nothing wrong with our actions and how it might affect others. How easy is it to laugh at an inappropriate joke, or lend our voice to criticism, course joking or “white harmless” lies. Nevertheless, there is a warning for us if we go along. If we follow those that are doing this, if join in, calamity will come to us and we will surely share the same fate found in verse eighteen, “These men lie in wait for their own blood; they ambush only themselves!” In other words they will rush into their own destruction. If we are to be wise we need to heed the advice and wisdom written in this book, for if we do we “will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm.”

My question to you today is, are you following those that will lead you to the path of destruction? or is your life characterized by peace and without fear? Are we not only tolerating the sin around us but being complicit to it? or are we making sure that we live holy and righteous lives?

Take time to examine your life, your actions, your surroundings and those who are around you. Let’s take stock in what we are holding on to and what we are doing. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you if there is anything that is not pleasing to Him and allow God to cleanse you. The promise is that we will live in peace…I want to live in peace. Do you?

31 days in the book of Proverbs

Proverbs Daily Devotional

31 days in ProverbsThe Bible is a practical book that helps believers in their character formation, spiritual formation and how to live a life pleasing to God. In other words the Bible is a book that informs and instructs a believer in how to live life and it does this through different types of writings. One of these types of writings, which is unfamiliar to most modern Christians is that of the wisdom books. There are three Old Testament books that fall under this category, Proverbs, Job and Ecclesiastes. These books provide readers with wisdom in which they can make godly choices in life. The book of Proverbs is clear on it’s purpose as we read in the first seven verses. It is for gaining wisdom and instruction, to receive instruction in prudent behavior, doing what is right and just and fair, to add to the learning of the wise and to let the discerning get guidance. As we begin to read Proverbs we can see that much of the writing presents a clear contrast between choosing the life of wisdom and choosing the life of folly.

One thing that we need to keep in mind when reading the book of Proverbs is that some of the wisdom presented in the writings is not universal. In other words, the wisdom presented in some of the passages are meant for a specific times and certain events but they are not to be acted on or used in all situation and at all times.

In the next 31 days I will be posting a short devotional on a chapter of the book of Proverbs. They will not be exhaustive devotionals, but just some musing and insights that might help you to understand and see the wisdom contain in this book. Feel free to comment, to share and to engage in the readings and the writing.

Proverbs 10

Proverbs Daily Devotional

Proverbs Daily DevotionalAt first glance these thirty two proverbs attributed to Solomon might seem to be unrelated, but looks especially at a glance can be deceiving. With the first verse of chapter ten, one can imagine Solomon leaning over and speaking softly to a child, sharing wisdom from years of experience. His observation is that the wise son brings joy to his father, but foolish son brings grief to his mother. Solomon uses the net nineteen chapters to expand on the type of wisdom a son should exercise. There are some overarching themes in these verses, such as the taming of the tongue and having wisdom of when to speak and when not to speak. Another is having the wisdom and foresight of not being lazy since laziness bring poverty. The last overarching theme here is that of integrity. Verses 7-10 speak of righteousness, obedience and love.

These thirty two sentences also share the same structure for the most part. The first sentence is a contrast to the second and this contrast is usually indicated with the use of the word ‘but.’ The contrast in these verses are between righteous and wicked, lazy and diligent, wise and a fool. Daily living is hard, but with a little wisdom we can navigate life better.

Kid President and Thanksgiving

Today is Thanksgiving, a day to thank God for His blessings. It is a day to be with family and friends. It is a day to be nice to everyone… but can we stretch that one day to say a week, a month – or maybe a year?

Kid President suggest a couple of words and phrases that we should incorporate in our everyday conversations that can help us be nice to each other through out the year.