Kid President and Thanksgiving

Today is Thanksgiving, a day to thank God for His blessings. It is a day to be with family and friends. It is a day to be nice to everyone… but can we stretch that one day to say a week, a month – or maybe a year?

Kid President suggest a couple of words and phrases that we should incorporate in our everyday conversations that can help us be nice to each other through out the year.


Is this truly our relationship wit h certain products? Do we become mindless consumer robots at the thought of the latest tech release from our favorite company?

Interesting, funny but non-the-less thought provoking video.

What do you think? Is this true?

The legacy WILL continue with you.

Billy Graham has been preaching the gospel for the past 70 years. He has been sought out by politicians, notable people and the social elite. His message has always been the same – The Cross. At the age of 95 he shares with us his last message – The Cross.

Enjoy and let’s continue this legacy by sharing this video with family and friends who might be looking for a relationship with Jesus.

Stop Motion Film Inspiration: Paper Memories [Video] | ChurchMag

Using approximately 4,000 photos, this stop motion film inspiration is of an old man who desperately wants to take his wife on a walk, is simply amazing.

Written and Directed by Theo Putzu
Photography by Theo Putzu
Editing by Theo Putzu