Proverbs Daily Devotional Day 2

Proverbs Daily Devotional

day2_calendarOne day I found myself speaking with a brother from church, and after a couple of minutes he made a reference to wisdom having something to do with the amount white hair someone might have. I am sure that many of us have heard this before, having white hair means that you are wise. If this was the case, I am on my way to becoming a wise man (not a wise guy) at my young age. Scientifically speaking, this is not the case. The cause of white hair is color-producing cells stop producing pigment. Therefore wisdom does not come from the color of your hair, but from another source. Wisdom comes “from the LORD who gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.” We all desire to be wise because wisdom can help us out in times of need.

According to verses twelve and sixteen, “Wisdom will save you from the ways of wicked men, from men whose words are perverse… Wisdom will save you also from the adulterous woman, from the wayward woman with her seductive words,” These verses speak of being wise when it comes to making sure we don’t fall in the path of the wicked and perverse people. Perverse, according to the dictionary, means someone who shows a deliberate and obstinate desire to behave in a way that is unreasonable or unacceptable, often in spite of the consequences. It is not hard to see that many are living this way. We watch the news and hear of stories of people who commit crimes and atrocities because they so desired. We might have encounter others in our daily walk which fit the description of a perverse person, someone who is obstinate and acts in an inappropriate way based solely because they feel like it. However, Proverbs says that wisdom comes with great benefits.

Wisdom can be the light in the midst of darkness, the life preserver that keeps us afloat in the ranging sea of wickedness. Wisdom will allow us to “walk in the ways of the good and keep to the paths of the righteous.” With the amount of sexually explicit images everywhere, it is almost impossible not to be tempted. Nevertheless, wisdom will save us from adulterous people, from the wayward man or woman and their seductive words. Wisdom will help us to know right from wrong, to keep us holy and pure in a perverse and unholy world. Wisdom comes from God, not from the amount of white hairs we might have. Therefore, ask God for wisdom, listen to His words, read the Bible and allow the Spirit to guide you.

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